Inclusión, aprendizajes y desarrollo socio productivo – Experiencias de Jach’a Uru

La presente sistematización explora, describe y detalla la experiencia de niños, niñas y jóvenes con discapacidad, junto a sus cuidadores/as, en el desarrollo de habilidades personales y actividades ocupacionales que faciliten la generación de ingresos propios; recoge las experiencias desarrolladas desde septiembre del 2021 hasta marzo de 2024 y, finalmente, el trabajo de campo y producción del texto sistematizado se efectuó entre los meses de marzo y abril de 2024.

Learning to fly

“Learning to fly” is a book that contains four short stories poignant and reflective about the effects of overprotection of children with disabilities, each of them is based on the experiences of mothers who have shared their stories and experiences in discussion workshops of the Association jach´a Uru. We invite you to listen to the stories in Spanish and aymara.

Study: “the Situation of persons with disabilities in the workplace of the private sector in Bolivia”

The Association of Parents and Family members of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities “Jach´a Uru” presents the study entitled “Situation of persons with disabilities in the workplace of the private sector in Bolivia”, this having found, on the facts, the situation difficult and frustrating for traversing many young people with disabilities and their families in time of search and do not get a source of labour..

The Pioneers

The Association "Jach'a Uru" several years ago has initiated concrete actions to go promoting the development and the exercise of the right to work of young people with disabilities who are part of Jach'a Uru. Supported in the strategy of the CBR (Community Based Rehabilitation), one of the concrete actions have meaning workshops pre-occupational regarded as the cornerstone of the development of daily living skills, as well as the instrumental and social.

Also, part of the document, consists of short stories that reflect the hopes, dreams, and projects that you have every one of the young people with disabilities, who constitute the "PIONEERS", able to confront and challenge a society that for the moment does not offer opportunities to be active and productive in the development of the same.


This book contains stories, testimonies and anecdotes which, through the years, have lived with the children, girls, adolescents and young adults with disabilities Association of Jach'a Uru. Although these stories may cover many areas, for this special edition, we have considered some of the anecdotes told from the different actors (teachers, promoters, directors, relatives, technical, etc) that promote and seek inclusion in education.

Study: “Discrimination and violence against women with sons and daughters with disabilities”

Persons with disabilities were and are a population that has been violated their rights for a long time. The lack of opportunities, urban planning and social, but above all, the exclusion and discrimination are factors with which these people must deal with daily, but do we ever, we've started to think about the hardships they must face the mothers of the children, girls, adolescents and young adults with disabilities?


The news that a daughter or a child has a disorder in the development or disability, produces an effect on the mother and the father that goes beyond the fact of just knowing this information, represents an approach in which anticipate the social attitudes of inclusion or exclusion to the boy or the girl. The first meeting of the doctor, or other health personnel, with the mother and/or father is an act of great relevance due to the severe implications that involves and, therefore, we must understand and take this serious and responsible.

A path to inclusion

A few months from the onset of the pandemic, and after the failed attempt to deploy a virtual education, the bolivian authorities shut down the school year. In this situation, the Association “Jach'a Uru” took on the challenge by presenting a plan of pedagogical support that allowed to give continuity to the learning process of students with disabilities, all of them members of the association. The technical team and the voluntary promoters of Jach'a Uru developed innovative activities that allowed children and adolescents with disabilities Jach'a Uru, can move forward in a new educational context that marked the start of the pandemic by COVID-19.

Education Sexuality and Disability a Guide for the family

During the last years in Latin america, as in Bolivia, they have published several guidance documents on education for sexuality directed to persons with disabilities. These documents, in many cases, they contain limited information or confusing, in addition to this, the information is generally directed to programs of birth control and sterilization.

Systematization of the process facilitated by the Association Jach'a Uru-based Rehabilitation in the community

The transition from passive actors actors in the making and leadership of families on issues that are relevant to their child/children with disability, it is without a doubt one of the most substantive presented by this experience. Process conllevo for the actors involved, but mainly for families, leaders, challenges, accompanied by fears, feelings and joys; in short, a jumble of feelings that in the end they took a course, the consolidated organizationally to continue fighting for the rights of their sons and daughters with disabilities.

Study: “A look at the situation of the Inclusion of students with disabilities in Educational Units of the Regular Education System”

The education is aimed at students with disabilities has undergone several changes in recent years. One of the great advances was the educational integration that is guided from the centers of special education and was driven from the transformations given in this paradigm, based on the principle that: “all the students must have access to education.” However, there has been a debate in front of the educational integration where there are arguments for and others that question it. The advocates argue that the integration does not only benefit students with disabilities, but to all, as they develop values of respect and solidarity. In addition, the integration goes beyond the physical presence in the classroom of students with a disability, implies a profound transformation in education: a curriculum that is flexible, open, broad, balanced, a change in the training of teachers, and how to organize instruction.


Bolivia, which from the eighteenth of march two thousand and nine by SUPREME DECREE N° 0048 receives the appellation of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, is a country located in western-central South America. Bordered on the north and east by Brazil, to the south to Paraguay and Argentina, and to the west by Chile and Peru. Its surface is the sixth most extensive in Latin america and comprises different geographical areas such as the Andes, the Altiplano, the Amazon, the Llanos de Moxos, and the Chaco, being thus one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world.

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